18 February 2009

Everything Must Go - Work in Progress

I snapped a few pictures while working on my future-themed piece to be included in Thawed Out: Visions of the Future, a group show at NOWhere Limited Gallery in Nederland, Colorado. The finished piece, titled Everything Must Go, can be seen: here

Below are some of the scraps of paper and junkmail that served as a starting point. Most of them didn't make it into the final painting.
Elisha Sarti - Everything Must Go - Inspirational Scraps of Junk

Here is the canvas with just a few layers of paint and scratchiness. Some of the collage elements laid out but not yet attached, still deciding:
Elisha Sarti - Everything Must Go - Piece in progress for the Thawed Out Show at NOWhere Limited Gallery

An alternate vision of the future:
Elisha Sarti - found object

Some more paint to make an ugly volcano that must end up un-visible... And look, it seems like a strange, dark cityscape is emerging from the dark purple under the orange scrap of paper at the left:
Elisha Sarti - Everything Must Go - Piece in progress for the Thawed Out Show at NOWhere Limited Gallery

Close, but not exactly right... too much junk... remember, everything must go. I painted over most of the text that says "Final Days," but I think the finished piece (seen: here) still has the apocalyptic feeling I was hinting at, without being quite so literal. I was kinda sad to paint over the toes, though.
Elisha Sarti - Everything Must Go - Piece for the Thawed Out Show at NOWhere Limited Gallery